ICOMOS Days – Territories and Cultural Tourism

ICOMOS Days on Territories and Cultural Tourism

In the context of the “Networks Markets & People” International Symposium, the Italian ICOMOS Committee encourages to submit scientific contributions and session proposals for the ICOMOS Day on “Territories and Cultural Tourism”.

The main objective of the ICOMOS Days is to host a cultural debate aimed at involving all those who work in this field. The hope is to get by scientific debate useful directions to plan and implement actions able to maximize the contribution of Cultural Heritage as social and economic driver.

The italian Cultural Heritage with its landscapes, cities and intangible resources is an unique tourist offer and increases competitiveness and attractiveness of our country, as highlighted by MIBACT in 2017 with the Strategic Development Plan of Tourism, and in particular by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – PNRR) “#Next Generation Italia”.

The macroareas that define t he topics are:

  • Cultural Tourism
  • Cultural Landscape
  • Cultural Routes
  • Villages and Historic Towns
  • Sites of Religions and Rituals

Session proposals are encouraged to target these concepts and focus on significant subjects according to the Symposium main theme. Session and paper proposals are aimed at the all experts on these issues and must observe the scientific methodology according to the Call for Sessions (#CfS2024) and the Call for Papers (#CfP2024).


ASTRI Association, in collaboration with the Economic Evaluations and Real Estate Appraisals Lab, is honored to commemorate the figure and work of Edoardo Mollica – full Professor of Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation, pioneer in the research field of Inner Areas and open-eyed scholar of Metropolitan Cities.

The Award is aimed at encouraging the participation of young researchers in the scientific debate. The prize will be awarded to the most innovative and original papers written and presented exclusively by young scholars, in response to the Call For Papers NMP2024. Alternatively, the candidate’s contribution should be clearly recognizable. For young scholar is meant who has not yet turned 35, at the starting date of the symposium, Ph.D. or Ph.D. candidates, without a permanent university contract.

The research topics should relate to the theme of Inner Areas, intercepting the issues of sustainable development, cultural heritage, identity, metropolitan cities or economic policies.

Those interested are invited to send an email to the NMP2024 Secretariat at nmp@unirc.it, communicating the interest in applying for the award by the 18 of December 2023 22 of January 2024.

The Edoardo Mollica Award Committee will select and reward successful young experienced researchers’ papers, assigning a grant that covers the conference fee for the registration to the NMP2024 International Symposium.